Performance » Numeracy » Year 6 Numeracy:

Year 6 Numeracy performance by school locality

A roughly equal proportion of year six students who participated in the PILNA 2021 numeracy assessment were enrolled in urban and non-urban schools: 47% in urban schools and 53% in non-urban schools.

Year 6 Numeracy mean performance by school locality

Mean performance of Year 6 students in domain and strands by school locality, Tonga, PILNA 2021

Figure CNF6.6 shows the average performance of year six students by school locality. Year six students in urban schools scored higher than those in non-urban schools in the overall numeracy domain and across all four numeracy strands. The biggest difference was observed in the ‘Operations’ strand. This is consistent with PILNA 2015 where students from urban schools also scored higher than students from non-urban schools in all numeracy areas, but not with PILNA 2018, when there were no substantial differences between the numeracy scores of students in urban and non-urban schools, see Figures CNF6.6.1-CNF6.6.5.

Year 6 Numeracy mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Year 6 students in numeracy strand, by school locality, Tonga, PILNA 2015, 2018 and 2021

Year 6 Number mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Year 6 students in number strand, by school locality, Tonga, PILNA 2015, 2018 and 2021

Year 6 Operations mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Year 6 students in operations strand, by school locality, over time 2015, 2018, 2021

Year 6 Measurements & Geometry mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Year 6 students in measurement and geometry strand, by school locality, over time 2015, 2018, 2021

Year 6 Data & Chance mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Year 6 students in data and chance strand, by school locality, over time 2018, 2021