Performance » Writing » Grade 3 Writing :

Grade 3 Writing performance by school authority

Grade 3 Writing performance by school authority

Mean performance of Grade 3 students in writing by school authority, PNG, PILNA 2021.

Roughly equal numbers of grade three students are enrolled in government (46%) and non-government (54%) schools.  Figure CWF3.5 shows the average performance of grade three students in writing by school authority.  Students in non-government schools and students in government schools showed comparable performance in the overall writing domain in 2021. This marks a change from 2018, as seen in Figure CFW3.6, when grade three students from government schools had higher performance on average than those in non-government schools. While both government and non-government schools have seen an increase in writing performance since 2018, the jump for government schools has been higher, leading to comparable performance in 2021.

Grade 3 Writing performance by school authority over time

Mean performance of Grade 3 students in writing by school autholrity, PNG PILNA 2018 and 2021.