Performance » Reading » Grade 5 Reading:

Grade 5 Reading performance by school authority

Grade 5 Reading mean performance by school authority

Mean performance of Grade 5 students in reading by school authority, PNG, PILNA 2021.

Roughly equal numbers of grade five students are enrolled in government (46%) and non-government (54%) schools.  Figure CRF5.5 shows the average reading performance of grade five students by school authority.  Students in non-government schools and students in government schools showed comparable performance in the overall reading domain. Figure CRF5.6, shows that the performance in reading of grade five students in both government and non-government schools was comparable in the 2015 and 2018 PILNA cycles as well.

Grade 5 Reading performance by authority over time

Mean performance of Grade 5 students in reading by school authority, PNG, PILNA 2015, 2018 and 2021.