Performance » Writing » Grade 5 Writing:
Grade 5 Writing performance by school locality
Most grade five students who participated in the PILNA 2021 writing assessment in Palau were enrolled in urban schools; 77% of students were enrolled in urban schools and 23% in non-urban schools.
Figure CWF5.8 shows the writing performance of grade five students by school locality, urban and non-urban, over time. In 2021, students in urban schools (515) scored about the same in average reading performance than students in non-urban schools (516). As seen in Figure CWF5.8, scores have been mixed over time. In 2015, students in non-urban schools scored slightly higher than students in urban schools, while in 2018, students in urban schools scored substantially higher than students in non-urban schools and in 2021, students in urban and non-urban schools scored about the same. Looking at the two groups separately, the performance of students in urban schools decreased between 2021 (515) and 2018 (534), whereas the performance of students in non-urban schools increased between 2021 (516) and 2018 (486).