Performance » Numeracy » Grade 7 Numeracy:

Grade 7 Numeracy performance by school locality

Grade 7 Numeracy performance by school locality

Mean performance of Grade 7 students in domain and strands by school locality, Palau, PILNA 2021

Grade 7 Numeracy mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Grade 7 students in numeracy strand by school locality, Palau, PILNA 2015, 2018 and 2021

Grade 7 Number mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Grade 7 students in number strand, by school locality, Palau, PILNA 2015, 2018 and 2021

Grade 7 Operations mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Grade 7 students in operations strand, by school locality, Palau, PILNA 2015, 2018 and 2021

Grade 7 Measurement and Geometry mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Grade 7 students in measurement and geometry strand, by school locality, Palau, PILNA 2015, 2018 and 2021

Grade 7 Data & Chance mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Grade 7 students in data and chance strand, by school locality, Palau, PILNA 2018 and 2021