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Household wealth and student performance

Table STT1.5 shows the average student performance in numeracy, reading and writing at grade five and grade seven levels for students from households at or above their country’s average level of wealth and for students from households below their country’s average level of wealth.

Table STT1.5

Average achievement of students by household wealth and grade level

Average achievement of students by household wealth and grade level, Palau, PILNA 2021
  • Standard errors appear in parentheses.
  • Expected minimum proficiency score.

What does this mean?

Students from wealthier households tended to have higher levels of achievement. These associations between wealth and achievement were found relative to Palau’s average household wealth. This is unsurprising, given the worldwide phenomenon of inequality and educational outcomes – students with access to greater resources or socio-economic advantages tend to perform better in education (ACER & UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2022).

This was also found at a regional level. Relative to each country’s average wealth, students from wealthier households performed better in all PILNA subjects than those from less wealthy households.