Performance » Writing » Grade 5 Writing :

Grade 5 Writing performance by school authority

Grade 5 Writing performance by school authority

Mean performance of Grade 5 students in writing by school authority, FSM, PILNA 2021

More than eight out of 10 grade five students are enrolled in government schools.  Figure CWF5.5 shows the average writing performance of grade five students by school authority.  Students in non-government schools scored higher in the overall writing domain than those in government schools.  Figure CWF5.6 compares the average writing scores of grade five students in non-government and government schools from 2015 to 2021. It shows that the mean performance for grade five students for both government and non-government schools increased from 2015 to 2018, and from 2018 to 2021. The gap between the performance of students in non-government and government schools has remained similar across the three cycles.

Grade 5 Writing performance by school authority over time

Mean performance of Grade 5 students in writing by gender, FSM, PILNA, 2015, 2018 and 2021