Performance » Reading » Grade 7 Reading :

Grade 7 Reading performance by school authority

Grade 7 Reading mean performance by school authority

Mean performance of Grade 7 students in reading by school authority, FSM, PILNA 2021

More than 8 in 10 grade seven students are enrolled in government schools.  Figure CRF7.5 shows the average reading performance of grade seven students by school authority.  Students in non-government schools showed higher performance in the overall reading domain than those enrolled in government schools.  Figure CRF7.6 compares the average reading scores of grade seven students in non-government and government schools from 2015 to 2021.  It shows that grade seven students in non-government schools achieved higher averages in the previous two cycles and that the gap between the performance of students in non-government and government schools has continued to widen over the three cycles.

Grade 7 Reading mean performance by school authority over time

Mean performance of Grade 7 students in reading by school authority, FSM, PILNA 2015, 2018 and 2021