Performance » Reading :

Conclusion for reading performance

Performance » Conclusion

Minimum proficiency levels

In year four, 80% of students performed at or above minimum proficiency levels. This is almost double the regional achievement (43%) and Small Island States (49%). In year six, 90% of students performed at or above the minimum proficiency levels. This is substantially higher than the achievement of both the region (53%) and Small Island States (73%).


Girls outperformed boys in both year four and year six. The percentage of girls in year four that met or exceeded the minimum proficiency levels was 86%, compared to 74% of boys. In year six, 94% of girls were at or above the minimum proficiency levels compared to 84% boys. There were significantly more girls at level eight than boys, and girls showed greater improvement in mean reading scores than did boys between 2015 and 2021.


The coding of student responses in reading shows that students in Niue struggled when asked to identify information when there is competing text in the way. Students at both year four and year six struggled when asked to interpret information, recognise a purpose, and support an opinion given in the text.

In year four, the mean performance score increased significantly from 2018 to 2021, by 45 scale points. In year six, the mean performance score increased significantly from 2018 to 2021 by 64 scale points. The scores in reading are inconsistent with the region; Niue’s students’ performance increased between 2018 and 2021, while the regional averages decreased in this period.