Get to know » Students:

Conclusions for students

Get to know » Conclusions

A wealth of information on student experiences and circumstances was collected in PILNA 2021. The reported areas show how students feel towards key aspects of their education; provide insights into student learning difficulties and well-being and highlight areas for future research.

Overall, student attitudes toward school and the three domains assessed in PILNA 2021 were positive. A high proportion of students reported that they enjoyed school and the PILNA subjects (between 76-100%) and acknowledged their importance (between 86-100%). These findings might reflect generally positive learning environments, but the causes and consequences of student attitudes in these areas still need to be discovered.

Many students are experiencing positive attitudes, while some are experiencing challenges to their well-being. More than half of the students indicated that they frequently had good days, were generally cheerful and looked forward to the next day. Also, some students reported frequent negative experiences such as hunger, tiredness, sadness, and not having enough friends. Overall, this suggests that while many students have positive experiences, few are experiencing poor well-being outcomes.

A range of information was collected on students’ difficulties with learning and self-management. This shows how many students are experiencing learning difficulties, with one area standing out: controlling (own) behaviour.

Overall, most students had positive attitudes toward school and were confident in their abilities in literacy and numeracy. However, a substantial proportion of students are experiencing learning difficulties and face well-being challenges.