Get to know » Teachers » Student difficulties perceived by the teacher:

Comparison to student-reported difficulties

Table TT2.6 contrasts teacher and student responses to four similar items. Note that, while the items explored the same difficulties, they were worded differently and were on different scales. Teachers were asked to assign each issue to a series of five experience buckets, while students were asked to indicate how often they were experiencing the same issues on a four–point scale. The scales, therefore, are different, which complicates comparison. However, they are sufficiently similar to allow exploration of common and divergent perceptions across student and teacher respondents.

Table TT2.6

Percentages of students experiencing particular difficulties as reported by students and identified by teachers

Percentages of students experiencing particular difficulties as reported by students and identified by teachers, regional averages, Fiji, PILNA 2021
  • Standard errors appear in parentheses.

On average, teachers in Fiji reported higher proportions of students experiencing behavioural and cognitive difficulties than students reported themselves. However, teachers reported a lower proportion of students frequently experiencing hunger and tiredness than students reported themselves.

What does this mean?

Teachers observed a substantial minority of their students experiencing difficulties in their learning. Of these, teachers identify behavioural and cognitive difficulties as the most common.

Teachers’ responses cannot be directly compared to students’ responses in similar areas but, when looked at together, it is clear that there is a range of behavioural and physiological difficulties experienced by a minority of students. Students identify physiological issues (hunger, tiredness) as a more common experience than do teachers. However, teachers observe behavioural issues (concentrating, controlling behaviour) more frequently than students report them. It may be that students and teachers have different perspectives on what constitutes behavioural issues, and students may be less likely to recognise their behaviours as problematic. It may also be that hunger or tiredness are more difficult for teachers to recognise in their students.