The summary descriptors for each proficiency level in the reading proficiency scale are detailed below.

These tables also show the associated PILNA scale score that is associated with that level of performance, and the expected scores for the Year 4 and Year 6 cohorts for 2021.

LEVEL and PILNA scale scores interval Reading descriptors
Students at each of the levels 1 to 8 are typically able to do the skills in each described level and are likely to demonstrate the skills in the preceding lower levels independently.
Level 8

587.5 or greater

Make inferences that require some reasoning of ideas or comparison of information across a text. Provide a simple explanation for the purpose of a range of text conventions, such as numbering and brackets. Provide a reason to support a judgement about a range of topics with some complexity, such as predicting the likely behaviour of a character. Apply an idea about an unfamiliar or technical topic to a different context.
Level 7

537.5 to <587.5

Identify an idea developed across several sentences or embedded in a less familiar text format, such as a table. Make subtle distinctions between related ideas. Interpret ideas in less familiar text types where there is some complexity, such as identifying the reason for an instruction, an action in a poem or relating information to a hypothetical scenario. Provide a simple reason to support a judgement about a topic with some complexity, such as identifying the merits of an action. Apply an idea to a different context by selecting evidence from the text.
Level 6

512.5 to <537.5

Locate information that is surrounded by related ideas or more than one detail on the same topic. Make connections between different textual components, such as text and diagram. Make a range of simple inferences from less familiar text types, such as a persuasive text. Provide evidence from the text to support an interpretation. Provide a simple reason to support a personal judgment. Apply an idea to a different context when the ideas are explicit.
Level 5

487.5 to <512.5

* Expected level for Year 6

Locate a paraphrase of an idea or detail in a less familiar text, such as a procedure. Connect ideas across several adjacent sentences to make an interpretation, such as the reason for an event. Generalise about a key feature, such as a character trait, from prominent clues across a text. Critically evaluate the logical purpose of a simple, straight-forward text.
Level 4

462.5 to <487.5

* Expected level for Year 4

Locate explicitly stated information in a less prominent position from a range of simple, familiar texts where the key word or phrase is repeated. Make inferences from prominent clues, such as about a character's intentions, as well as simple distinctions between related ideas. Interpret the main idea of a simple paragraph.
Level 3

437.5 to <462.5

Locate an explicit detail, such as a main action or event, from a less prominent position in a small range of simple, familiar texts. Make simple inferences, such as about a character’s feelings or behaviour, using prominent clues. Recognise a simple, explicitly stated opinion.
Level 2

412.5 to <437.5

Identify and match identical or synonymous words to locate explicitly stated information in a highly prominent position, such as the first sentence of a text.
Level 1

362.5 to <412.5

Comprehend a range of simple familiar words (nouns and verbs). Identify and match identical or synonymous words to locate explicitly stated adjacent information in a single sentence.
Level 0

Less than 362.5

Comprehend some simple words (nouns and verbs)