Performance » Reading :

Conclusions for reading performance

Performance » Conclusions

Minimum proficiency levels

In year four, 31% of students performed at or above the minimum proficiency level. This is lower than the regional achievement at 43% and the Small Island States achievement at 49%. 

In year six, 85% of students performed at or above the minimum proficiency levels. This is above both the regional achievement at 53% and the Small Island States achievement at 73%. 


Girls outperformed boys in both year four and year six. In both year levels, a higher proportion of girls met the minimum expected proficiency levels for reading compared with boys, and the average reading scores were also higher for girls than for boys.

The percentage of girls in year four who met or achieved above the minimum proficiency level in reading was 48% compared to 17% for boys. The average reading score from girls was also 70 points higher than for boys.

In year six, 91% of girls were at or above the minimum proficiency levels compared to 80% of boys and 26% of girls were at level 8 compared to 11% of boys. The average reading score from girls was also 27 points higher than for boys.


The coding of student responses in reading shows that students in Tokelau struggled when asked to identify information when there is competing text in the way. Students at both year four and year six struggled when asked to interpret what they had read, and when asked to think critically about what they had read in order to form an opinion or give a reason for a response. 

In year four, the mean performance score for reading stayed the same in 2015 and 2018 at about 439 points and then decreased in 2021 by about 19 points. 

In year six, the mean performance score was 500 points in 2015 and 502 points in 2018 but there was a significant increase in 2021 to 542 points.