Performance » Reading » Year 6 Reading:

Year 6 Reading performance by school locality

Performance » Performance by locality

Most year six students who participated in the PILNA 2021 reading assessment in Fiji were enrolled in urban schools: 67% in urban schools and 33% in non-urban schools.

Year 6 Reading mean performance by school locality

Mean performance of Year 6 students in reading by school locality, Fiji, PILNA 2021

Figure CRF6.5 shows the performance of year six students by school locality: urban and non-urban. Reading performance in PILNA 2021 was higher for students in urban schools than for those in non-urban schools.

Figure CRF6.6 also shows the reading performance of year six students by school locality over time. This is consistent with what was seen in the 2018 PILNA cycle. In this cycle, students in urban schools scored higher in reading than students in non-urban schools.

Year 6 Reading mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Year 6 students in reading by school locality, Fiji, PILNA 2018 and 2021