Performance » Numeracy » Year 6 Numeracy:

Year 6 Numeracy performance by school locality

Year 6 Numeracy mean performance by school locality

Mean performance of Year 6 students in domain and strands by school locality, Fiji, PILNA 2021

Figure CNF6.5 shows the performance of year six students by school locality: urban and non-urban. Performance in PILNA 2021 was consistent for students in urban schools and non-urban schools across most strands and the overall numeracy performance. There was, however, a small difference in the ‘Operations’ strand. Students in urban schools tended to score higher in this strand than students in non-urban schools.

Figure CNF6.5.1 also shows the performance of year six students by school locality over time. A difference is seen in the 2018 PILNA cycle, when students in urban schools performed better on average than students in non-urban schools in all numeracy strands and the overall numeracy score.

Year 6 Numeracy mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Year 6 students in numeracy by school locality, Fiji, PILNA 2018 and 2021

Year 6 Number mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Year 6 students in number strand by school locality, Fiji, PILNA 2018 and 2021

Year 6 Operations mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Year 6 students in operations strand by school locality, Fiji, PILNA 2018 and 2021

Year 6 Measurement & Geometry mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Year 6 students in measurement and geometry strand by school locality, Fiji, PILNA 2018 and 2021

Year 6 Data & Chance mean performance by school locality over time

Mean performance of Year 6 students in data and chance strand by school locality, Fiji, PILNA 2018 and 2021